
Scratchings in the Dirt

Have a horrible Halloween!

I hate Halloween. I always have. I guess maybe when I was very little, I enjoyed all the candy. But then my mother forced me to wear the Aunt Jemima costume she made for me (she spent a whole lot of time and effort making incredible costumes for us!), and that has sort of stuck

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It’s not whether you …oops, been there, done that…

But apparently, they’re not playing the game so well.  The Klippers lost to Battleford 5 -3 on Saturday.  It might have gone better if the Klippers had shown up for the second period.  Stephen played OK, but hurt his back checking one of the Barons.  A heating pad, an anti-inflammatory, and a hot bath later

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It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game!

Or so they say.  It sure feels better when you win, though!  Thank goodness the Flames have picked it up a bit, or the residents of this household would be looking for rope! The Rebels lost to Biggar in their last league game on Thursday.  They played a half-hearted game for the most part, but

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Never a dull moment!

Another crazy week here at the Schraefel ranch!  It started with a call from the cops – actually, one cop who was calling as a football coach – to say that he was taking Stephen to the hospital for x-rays on his wrist.  I was working at the library at the time, so I said

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A sports-filled weekend

OK, no pictures this time.  Even though Adam looked quite a sight in the shiny purple tank top which he wore home from his Grade 10 initiation party.  It did clash with his yellow puke pail, though.  I’m glad those parties are out of the way, and I can now keep them home for another

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