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Welcome to the Schraefel Farm
The Schraefel Farm is located 10 km SE of Kerrobert, a cool little town of 1200. We are 200 km West of our nearest city, Saskatoon. We are far from any type of industrial pollutants and so enjoy a quiet, clear mostly farming community. Adam, Stephen, and Derek, the 4th generation on the farm, are the main operators of the farm with some help from Clem and Chandra and a few neighbors and friends! Thanks, everyone!
We produce organic dryland crops including cereal grains such as wheat, barley and oats, oilseeds and legumes like flax, peas, and lentils on 5200 acres of Wright, Chambers, Allcock, Lighthouse and Schraefel land. We offer sales direct to consumers, distributors, and brokers as well as bulk sales. Please call us directly. The land consists of glacial till with low rolling hills and sloughs with small bluffs of trees in the low spots. It is home for many deer, rabbits, antelope, coyotes, porcupines, and foxes. Over the past several years we are seeing more moose make this their home. We are in the flyway of the Canada goose and many kinds of ducks and other birds. The farm operation is the primary business producing bulk grains in a dry climate which reduces disease and insect problems. Yields are less but the quality is usually very high.

Latest Blog Posts
Derek in the Hemp
Derek in the Hemp Video Watch Here
Crops 2020
This year the boys seeded the crop and have run the farm on their own. Chandra and I left partway through seeding and as of the end of July we haven’t been home yet. We have had reports of an amazing crop coming. Hemp crop is now 7 feet tall and still growing. Lentils and
Covid 19
Trying to figure out how to function on the farm and keep everyone safe. We have introduced COVID 19 policies in addition to our other safety policies! Truckers: We need our truckers to survive and they become exposed to a lot of people. We have tried to eliminate personal contact by keeping 6-10 feet away
Grain Drying 19

We tried our hand at drying grain. BraTara Acres and Schraefel Farms joint venture on a dryer. Stephen has run 20,000 bushels through in the last couple of weeks!