I may have overdone the “building the tension” thing a bit by not posting anything for, oh, about 12 days or so, but if any of you are still hanging on, thanks for your patience. We have made it through drywall patching and painting in the kitchen, a new cement pad and stairs to
Scratchings in the Dirt

Month: October 2008
Happy Birthday, Carl!
Clem’s brother is 50 today. Yep, 50. The big five-O. That’s five times on all your fingers, boys and girls. Carl is one of the reasons we started this blog. He travels. A lot. And he lives far away. Very far away. Saudi Arabia, to be exact. And United Arab Emirates before that. And
Hello? Hello? Anybody out there? (Besides Tina, I mean. Tina’s great and everything, but we’re brainstorming here, folks.) Hello? This is not a lecture. If you need to know the difference between brainstorming and a lecture, you can ask my boys. They’ve heard lots and lots of lectures. But I digress. Since you