…sometimes called “Davidson”. The Midgets went down hard to the Davidson Huskies this weekend. The first game wasn’t too bad, just 3 – 1 for them. (Stephen assisted the goal!) Our boys played well (Adam even got a shift!) but they just couldn’t keep up the pace into the third period. Not that that bothered
Scratchings in the Dirt

Month: March 2009
We won!!
The Midgets won the Provincial Northern Final series! It was an amazing game Saturday night. There must have been 500 people in the old barn. What a night! Arborfield was up 2 goals from the first game, and they scored early in the game to put them up by three. But the Thunder turned on
On a Bus Heading North
Adam, Stephen, and I , and 40 other hockey-crazed people, hopped on a charter bus yesterday headed for Arborfield, a village of 200 people about about half-an-hour northeast of Tisdale. Yep, you’re right, that would make it a five-hour drive from Kerrobert. The Midgets played Game 1 of the Provincial semi-finals. They lost. They gave