Life has been racing along, as usual. The rain has stopped the harvest, unfortunately. Clem is getting a bit antsy, but he luckily hadn’t swathed anything before the rain. The peas, lentils, and oats are in the bin, with just wheat, barley, and flax left standing. If it ever quits raining, he should be able
Scratchings in the Dirt

Month: August 2007
Happy Birthday, Derek!
My baby turned 9 yesterday. He was born in the middle of harvest, while we waited for the wheat to be ready, so it was only fitting that we celebrated his birthday in between crops. He was so excited for his special day. I love that he wears his emotions on his sleeve, without inhibition.
A quick trip to Calgary
Derek, Ashley, and I made a quick trip to Calgary to meet Copper, our new cousin/niece. She is quite adorable, and we spent a lot of time just holding and looking at her! Her parents seem quite taken with her, as well. Grandma and Copper have a little chat.The three generations. Copper is amazingly strong
Harvest begins!
Clem is one happy farmer. At the end of last week, it was reported that 2% of the 2007 Saskatchewan crop was in the bin, and 4% had been swathed. Well, he is about 30% complete – the peas and lentils are all done – and they are good quality legumes. It sure is nice
More of the beautiful baby!
Jason sent some more photos. She really is gorgeous! The happy parents. The ecstatic grandparents. (Check out the feet on that girl!) Grandpa seems especially enamoured. Uncle Bumf and Auntie Better Third arrived to view, as well. I understand they came bearing pizza. Good one.