Scratchings in the Dirt


You know the saying, “a rash of deaths”?  Well, that’s what we’ve had here lately.  I’ve heard of at least eight people dying in this area in the last week or so.  I’m starting to avoid talking to people, because they always seem to know of someone else who died.  I go to my fair

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Romber brought two of the cutest little guys ever to visit auntie and family.  It took the perogie a bit of time to warm up, but we sure had fun after that!  Sam is such a happy little guy.  The smiles just bust out of him!  Warms the heart!  A rare serious moment.  He was

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This is what love looks like

My great-aunt Barbara died yesterday.  She was 91, and the last of my mom’s aunts and uncles.  She was married for nearly 64 years to my grandpa’s youngest brother, Joe.  He died last year.  They lived in a care home, and although in different rooms, were able to be together each day.  They would often

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October in (mostly) photos

 This is Sam, who was dressed as a bear for Halloween.  Isn’t he just the cutest?? And I bet he gives great bear hugs.  Or will, in time.  His godmother (that would be moi) cannot wait! And here’s Sam hanging out with his dad and his big brother.  They’re all pretty cute. Rogan Halloweened as

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