How can you tell that I have a million things to do? By the fact that I am blogging on the morning of Good Friday, with a house to clean, bookwork to finish, windows to wash, suitcases to pack, food to purchase and prepare, and seven people coming for lunch on Sunday. But I’d rather
Scratchings in the Dirt

Hitting the Reality Wall…
…sometimes called “Davidson”. The Midgets went down hard to the Davidson Huskies this weekend. The first game wasn’t too bad, just 3 – 1 for them. (Stephen assisted the goal!) Our boys played well (Adam even got a shift!) but they just couldn’t keep up the pace into the third period. Not that that bothered
We won!!
The Midgets won the Provincial Northern Final series! It was an amazing game Saturday night. There must have been 500 people in the old barn. What a night! Arborfield was up 2 goals from the first game, and they scored early in the game to put them up by three. But the Thunder turned on
On a Bus Heading North
Adam, Stephen, and I , and 40 other hockey-crazed people, hopped on a charter bus yesterday headed for Arborfield, a village of 200 people about about half-an-hour northeast of Tisdale. Yep, you’re right, that would make it a five-hour drive from Kerrobert. The Midgets played Game 1 of the Provincial semi-finals. They lost. They gave
Meanwhile, back at Hockey Central…
I’m getting old. The cold wind just cut right through me yesterday, prompting an outburst along the lines of “I wish I was in Africa right now!!”. I even got a chill at the rink in Paradise Hill on Saturday, and that is unusual for me! And speaking of the Paradise Hill arena (ha,