Scratchings in the Dirt

Common sense is not that common!

We woke at 6 am to the ringing of the phone.  First off, I want to say that no one should ever phone the parents of teen-aged children at that hour.  Actually, any time from 1 am to 6 am.  It’s just too hard on the heart, and the head, as you quickly do a

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The Wind is Howling

When I first decided this morning that I should do another post, I was going to name it “Spring is Springing”, since the crabapple tree is just busting open with blossoms and everything is turning green (or yellow, here where we don’t spray for dandelions!), and my deck is loaded with bedding plants waiting to

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Throw away the pens!

Note to self:  do NOT use ink on the calendar – it is PENCIL only!   I would note the family on that, too, but no one else ever writes anything on the calendar.  I am the Keeper of the Schedule, and I have created a group of humans who struggle to know where they should

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Mother’s Day

I’ve just had the best Mother’s Day yet.  I think I may say that every year, but whatever.  I am not showered with gifts, or flowers, or cards, and sometimes they even forget what day it is.  But I know that deep down those strong, tall, silent-type boys really do like me and appreciate what

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Quick Take Friday – on Saturday

Subtitle:  A Day Late and a Dollar Short 1.  I took the morning off at the library to bake bread for the local annual Mother’s Day Tea and Bake Sale.  Then I slept in.  I will go to the tea and buy another’s baking.  Next year I will bake again.  As I’ve said so many

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