Scratchings in the Dirt

Shades for sale, or, pride goeth before a fall

Clem said I was bragging too much about the boys.  I told him to never mind, that someone should blow their horns, and who better than mom?  Turns out he may have had a point.  The SHA zone rosters came out yesterday, and guess who’s name was missing?  That’s right.  No Stephen.  After a call

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We are all going to need shades for this bright future!

Well, he did it.  Stephen made the Bantam Zone 7 team!  He attended the weekend tryout in Eston, and must have impressed someone.  His ex-coach was one of the evaluators, and he either didn’t carry much weight with the coach or he was generous and gave Stephen a good evaluation.  Whatever happened, Stephen got the

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A star is born

Last night I attended the debut performance of the hot new band “Borderline”.  (Or, as some might put it, I got sucked into chaperoning the teen dance where Adam’s band had their first gig.  But that would be cynical.)  The dance, first scheduled for last Friday, was postponed due to a storm and the illness of

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Back to normal (or as close as it gets, anyway)

Things are settling down somewhat since the last post.  Stephen still seems OK with his decision to quit his team.   He’s taken a bit of flack over it, but nothing that he can’t handle.  He has even expressed an interest in music, now that he has some spare time.  He spirited Clem’s guitar up to

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