…when the kids are skating on the dugout. They had a blast on the weekend, scraping and skating and getting some fresh air. It was pretty cold, but it is somewhat sheltered on the dugout. The only thing missing is a yardlight for skating after dark (and pucks with some kind of GPS system so
Scratchings in the Dirt

Hockey, hockey, and more hockey
OK, Bruce, here we go! Someone asked me the other day if I was ready for Christmas. After stifling the urge to smack him, I said that if they were having Christmas in a rink, I’d be there for sure. Seems like that’s the only place I’ve been for weeks! Stephen’s team has been having
Copper visits
Copper brought her mom out for a visit. We were very excited to see her again. Actually, Stephen and Adam saw her for the first time Auntie Lorraine came out, too, and brought some homemade gifts. This hat has a matching sweater. Copper is quite a little talker, and really likes to be included in
Some decided victories!!
Two for the right teams and one for the wrong one! Sunday saw three hockey games with Schraefels on the roster. Derek’s team played Unity in the 2nd place final of the Kerrobert Atom tournament, and came out on top, 14 – 0. They had won their first game on Friday with about the
A farewell visit
My dear cousin, Colin, his dear wife, Temple, and their adorable son, Carter, stopped in Kerrobert on their way from Edmonton to Fredericton, New Brunswick, where they are moving. I’m happy for them, as they are very excited, but sad for us that they will be so far away. Although, it is a new travel