Yes, folks, I know it’s hard to believe, but I have not been the good girl that you all know and love. “Anonymous” left me a couple of comments on one of my previous posts (don’t go looking – I’ve deleted them!), and I…well, I…um….you know….sort of….replied. There. I admit it. I replied. I let some un-named person get under my skin and I retorted. I had some really good rebuttals – kind of wish I would have left them for a while – but in the end they sounded a bit childish. And as I grow older, I have realized, usually through experience, that kind of thing will come back and bite you on the butt. Hard. And so, while I stooped low for a bit and wrote a few snarky comments (I’m telling you, they were go-oo-ood!), I caught myself and took the higher ground.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy a spirited discussion of the issues at hand. I can certainly hold my own. And I’m sure you have all realized by now that I don’t really pull any punches. But this certain someone refused to sign his/her comments, and I’ve decided that “anonymous” comments will forevermore go unacknowledged on this blog.
So there you go. Fair warning!
Thanks for stopping by, though!
PS: Barley is done, wheat and flax are still tough. A few more days left!
PPS: I had a great debate coach, Anonymous!
^^^ And I got all excited there for a minute, thinking Anonymous was back for another round of public pettiness. Damn. ;)
you got me excited with the "i have been naughty" title. Knowing it was your husbands birthday and your anniversary tomorrow I thought.
woo hoo we are going to hear some true avoca happenings–lol.
I am glad you let annonymous have it!! You are totally in the right.
Take care
Way down here on the petty low ground, wishing I could get an email of all the snarky childishness… or the childish snarkiness… the whole kit and kaboodle! Based on my recent experiences, I vote for the disgruntled parent of one of the kids who got trounced in Pee Wee hockey.
I admit, I went back through the posts on the blog, not looking for the comments but looking for anything that would spark a heated debate? Your senior moment with the slowcooker?? LOL
As for anonymous, I HATE anonymous comments and normally delete them. I figure if you're not going to own up to comments you make, then you shouldn't make them. :)