Scratchings in the Dirt

Meanwhile, back at Hockey Central…

I’m getting old.  The cold wind just cut right through me yesterday, prompting an outburst along the lines of “I wish I was in Africa right now!!”.   I even got a chill at the rink in Paradise Hill on Saturday, and that is unusual for me! And speaking of the Paradise Hill arena (ha,

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Hey, Uncle Joe!

I know what you’re thinking.  Another update so soon?  What the heck is going on?  Well, I heard through the grapevine (that’s the Schan grapevine, which really should be patented for it’s speed and efficiency) that my great-uncle Joe, who is “great” in more ways than one, is hungry for news from the family.  Uncle

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Hockey, hockey, and more hockey

We had a whirlwind weekend of hockey again.  Even my parents came to watch their grandsons.  They were short-changed, however, when it was Adam’s turn to sit (19 players registered but only 17 skaters allowed each game!), and Stephen got himself kicked out of the Wilkie game on Friday for checking from behind FOUR MINUTES

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