We got another nice rain yesterday. We prefer to operate without a rain gauge and just guess as to the amount we receive, so I can’t tell you how much it rained. I can tell you that I’ve heard everything from half an inch to an inch, so it was probably somewhere in there. My garden is pretty mucky, I know that. I got the tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, and celery plants in just as it was starting, so I’m happy about that. If we keep getting these weekly rains, there should be an abundance of good stuff from that garden!
Lori Seversen stopped in for a visit on Tuesday, along with her two adorable boys and her mom (who’s quite adorable, too!). Alex, who is three, got his little hands on my new camera and went crazy. He figured out how to work it right away, and got some pretty good shots. He took some really bad ones, too – necks, arms, and feet – I deleted about 50 pictures! Thank goodness for digital cameras!
This is his self-portrait (must be related to Kelvin!):
And here’s happy Andrew, known as “pork chop” by his mom:
If the gravel business doesn’t pan out, maybe Alex could be a photographer!
After a busy afternoon of taking pictures, it was time for a bathroom break, minus the bathroom.
Our great neighbor, Carol Wright, also stopped by on Tuesday to deliver a present, a dozen white roses. They are absolutely gorgeous, and I am really enjoying them. Thanks, Carol!Not only do they look great, they smell wonderful!
Adam and Stephen have been attending the football spring camp. It starts at 7 a.m. They really can get up by themselves in the morning if they want to! Derek is recovering from his sunburn. I think I preferred it when he couldn’t move much and didn’t feel like talking! He missed another ball game due to the rain, but didn’t seem too upset. As he said last week, baseball isn’t really his sport.
Wow, two posts in one week. This new laptop and camera make things so easy, I may start to bore you with this trivial news!