Scratchings in the Dirt


Tree lands on the cabin

As a storm ripped through Aquadeo Beach, Our cabin took a hit. A big old tree hit it dead on. Lucky that no one was here as one branch harpooned into the kitchen. On Sunday a crew came in and cut up the tree and cleaned up the mess and we now have firewood to

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Schraefel Memories

Lount Snell

My sister Chris brought an old photo album back for some old memories. These are pictures of the pictures taken on my phone. If you know any of the unidentified people please let me know. Enjoy!

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Think Derek likes his truck?

This guy is everywhere. He kept ahead of 2 drills this spring preworking. Kept his machines maintained and the shops clean. He has made an amazing recovery. Nice work!

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Rain is a Godsend!

After predictions of a drought in 2018 and depleted subsoil moisture from very little rain in 2017,  we have received around 5″ of rain since seeding and the crops look absolutely amazing!  

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