Schraefel Memories 5 Marj, Jean Gramma Snell Gramma and Jean and Cliff Snell kids Jack, Joanne Joyce Don Snell Bins Oh Man Carl Cathy Mark Joanne and her Horse Clem Chris Cathy Schraefels Mark Schraefel Bud and Marj Schraefel and Snell kids Carl, Mark and Chickens Folks on the Drill Creerars? Clem Schraefel Snell Kellers Chris Clem Cathy Carl 1955 Snow Storm Otto and Norman Phillips Clem Schraefel Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad Granma Snell and Grandchildren Schraefel Kids Clem Joe Phillips and Clem Schraefel Agnus Schraefel Kids Carl Schraefel 55 Storm Cathy Carl Mark Chris Schraefel Don and Gramma Snell Mark and Chris Scaffold 1955 Storm IPL Cat Clem Joyce Snell and Marj Schraefel Happy Birthday Clem Grampa Snell Mark, Carl, Cathy Clem Gammy Schraefel Bud, Kay?, Earnie, Regina Cathy Schraefel Grandma Snell Supper at Snells ? Bud and Chris Donna Cliff Mark Clem Marj, Walter, ?, Bud Supper Schraefel Snell Kellers Bud Cheemo? Folks on the Drill